Banana Ice Cream
65 minutes
2 servings
Many times we do detoxes or cleanses that feel like we are depriving ourselves of anything that is sweet. Dessert is much more than the sweet we have after dinner; its social and ritual actions are much greater than the quick burst of energy we get from the sugars. Enjoy sparingly during your cleanse.
1 teaspoon(s) honey
2 frozen bananas, chopped
3/4 cup(s) full fat coconut milk from a can
1/2 teaspoon(s) organic vanilla
1 tablespoon(s) almond butter or 1/2 cup frozen/fresh strawberries
1. Peel and chop bananas and freeze them for at least 1 hour.
2. Mix all the ingredients in food processor. Use less coconut milk to start and add a little at a time, You don't want to make this extra liquidy.
3. Blend until smooth and eat immediately. Enjoy!